Not only is the skin your body’s largest organ, but it’s also one of the most neglected. Every day, it’s subjected to sun exposure, pollution and toxins, not to mention biting cold winds and heavy rainfall! The hustle and bustle of everyday life makes it hard to avoid such elements, ..Continue Reading
At K Govind, Medical Aesthetics, we’re constantly updating our range of services to suit changing demands, trends and technological advancements. One of our most recent additions is the ‘IllumiFacial®’, which represents the next generation of ‘Photofacial’ treatment that combines a superficial peel with a medical-grade intense pulse light (IPL) laser ..Continue Reading
What is Microneedling? In simple terms, microneedling is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, which is designed to generate new collagen and skin tissue and create the appearance of smoother, firmer and more toned skin. The process itself involves pricking the skin with a number of tiny, sterilised needles, which subsequently encourages ..Continue Reading
A Breakdown of Cheek Fillers Let’s face facts; age can be a cruel mistress; and one that takes a considerable toll on our bodies and appearance. The ravages of age can take numerous forms too, with a loss of facial volume and skin elasticity causing visible changes to the face ..Continue Reading
So what’s the difference between Aesthetic vs Medical Practitioners? We can all agree that the endless Zoom meetings during lockdown were incredibly tedious, while they also left us spending much more time staring at our own faces! So, it’s little wonder that interest in cosmetic surgeries and wrinkle reduction injections ..Continue Reading
What You Need to Know after having Lip Fillers It may seem strange to think of lip fillers becoming more popular during a period where face coverings were mandatory, but some clinics saw a 30% increase in such procedures during lockdown. However, there’s much more to lip fillers than meets ..Continue Reading
The Truth About Facial Fillers The costs, the process and does it hurt…? There’s no doubt that facial fillers are becoming increasingly popular among younger women, with some 59% of 51,000 respondents to a Vice UK survey revealing that they’ve previously undergone procedures like lip fillers. We reckon that this ..Continue Reading
Is it Safe to get Aesthetic Treatments after a Covid-19 Injection? In February saw PM Boris Johnson remove all Covid-19 restrictions throughout England, as businesses and high streets finally returned to the old normal nationwide! However, some serious questions and uncertainty remain in the wake of the government’s decision, including ..Continue Reading