So what’s the difference between Aesthetic vs Medical Practitioners? We can all agree that the endless Zoom meetings during lockdown were incredibly tedious, while they also left us spending much more time staring at our own faces! So, it’s little wonder that interest in cosmetic surgeries and wrinkle reduction injections ..Continue Reading
Before you do anything for the first time, you’re bound to be a little insecure and uncertain about what lies ahead. This is especially true with something like Botox, as while this is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment it continues to be plagued by misconceptions, half-truths and outright deceptions. In this ..Continue Reading
There’s no doubt about it; dermal fillers and advanced anti-wrinkle treatments have significantly changed the facial aesthetics industry in the UK. In fact, the rise of these accessible and clinically safe treatments caused the number of surgical procedures to decline by 40% in 2016, falling to a near-decade low ..Continue Reading
When considering having facial aesthetic work done for the first time, you’re bound to feel a little overwhelmed. After all, there are so many considerations to bear in mind, from the various types of treatment available to the motivational triggers that have pushed you to seek out assistance in the ..Continue Reading
Historically, the idea of having facial or aesthetic work done was almost exclusive to the female market. This is largely down to generational trends, which dictated a clear distinction between feminine and masculine behaviours. We now live in an age of metrosexuality, however, where the idea of a sensitive male ..Continue Reading
If you’ve decided to book in for Botox or dermal filler treatments, you’ll probably have gone through a long and detailed thought process. You should also have visited an initial consultation with your physician, in order to discuss your objectives, develop a treatment plans and discuss the potential complications that ..Continue Reading
Let’s face facts, when a reality television celebrity or Hollywood star has cosmetic surgery, it hardly ever remains a secret for long. This isn’t only due to the prevalence of social media either, as the effects of surgical procedures are usually obvious and create an unnatural aesthetic that instantly stands ..Continue Reading
Facial Aesthetics in Harrogate is becoming big business, while we’ve seen an explosion in the demand for anti-wrinkle treatments nationwide in 2017. Despite this, there remain considerable gaps in knowledge when it comes to the nature and potential applications of anti-wrinkle treatments, which prevents some people from taking the plunge ..Continue Reading