10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Botox

Before you do anything for the first time, you’re bound to be a little insecure and uncertain about what lies ahead.

This is especially true with something like Botox, as while this is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment it continues to be plagued by misconceptions, half-truths and outright deceptions.

In this post, we’ll tackle some of these, while providing some insights into how to safeguard yourself and precisely what to expect.

  1. Botox is More Common that you Think

Because not everyone who has Botox injections shouts about this, you may be inclined to think that you’re in a minority.

This is not the case, however, as a growing number of Brits are undergoing this treatment while the demand for surgical treatment continues to decline.

  1. Homework is Key

In cases where horror stories are reported, these usually happen at the hands of unregulated, overseas or ill-qualified practitioners.

This is why it’s crucial that you do your homework when researching potential service providers, so start by confirming your practitioner’s accreditation, appraising their client reviews and organising a personal consultation.

  1. The Cost Often Varies

This non-surgical treatment is only available through the private sector, so service providers will charge variable fees depending on their location, reputation and various other factors.

You need to bear this in mind and compare the market before making a commitment, while understanding that prices are typically applied per single area of injections.

  1. Botox is Quick and Simple

All of the fear and anxiety that you experience before getting Botox is often misplaced, as the injection process itself is quick and simple.

It should also be relatively pain-free, particularly if you choose a reputable practitioner who uses a viable technique when injecting into the treatment area.

  1. It also has Minimal Short-term Side Effects

 Of course, you may experience some mild discomfort, swelling and bruising immediately after the treatment is administered, but this is perfectly normal and should dissipate within 48 hours.

Beyond this, there are no clinically proven long-term side-effects of having Botox, which should put your mind at ease as your arrange your treatment.

  1. The Result of Botox

Overall, regular Botox injections should help to create smoother and firmer skin, supporting a more youthful aesthetic in the process.

While you’ll need frequent treatments to build this look over time, studies have shown that having regular injections during the first year will enable you to schedule just bi-annual appointments in the future.

  1. The Impact of Botox May be Subtle and Gradual

Typically, you’ll see the initial results in five to ten days, although this process can take up to two weeks in some instances.

Just remember, you’ll need to wait for the initial swelling to dissipate first, while the results after the first injection are likely to be minimal.

  1. You have to Wait it out for the Results to Fade

As a non-permanent treatment, it’s little wonder that Botox is so popular. The results of an individual treatment are still long-lasting, however, with the effects likely to last for between three and six months on average.

This means that you’ll need to be patient when waiting for the results to fade, however, just in case you decide that the new look is not for you and refrain from having further treatments.

  1. Botox Can be Preventative

This is an interesting consideration, as Botox is clinically proven to prevent the development of dynamic wrinkles and limit the visual effects of aging in later life.

So, even if you don’t have obvious wrinkles formed on your skin as yet, this does not mean that Botox cannot provide significant value as a treatment option.

  1. Botox May Train your Muscles Over Time

As we’ve already said, frequent Botox treatments can increase the longevity of individual treatments and negate the need for quarterly injections.

This is because the application of Botox gradually trains your facial muscles,  helping them to relax gradually and minimise the formation of new or dynamic creases.